Saturday, May 25, 2013

Postgrad Sundays

Postgrad guilt - it's always hanging over my head!

Between taking Biostatistics & Epidemiology, working on the MInT study, organizing coffee hour for the Postgraduate Society, taking workshops on writing/statistics/other relevant topics, training for a marathon, and doing other things that pop up (last week I volunteered with the New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women by helping distribute graduation garb, the week before I was busy with Otago University Brewers Association stuff), I find that I rarely have a day during the week where I can just sit down and focus on my thesis.  Thus, weekends are technically a great time to be in the office reading, running analyses, and writing.  So, when I'm not in the office on the weekend I feel really, really guilty.

It seems simple enough to just walk to the office, sit down, and analyze my data on psychological flexibility, mindfulness, intuitive eating and body mass index. But, it can be SO mentally taxing!! As a result, I'm not always an eager beaver to run back into the office on the weekend... even when I have nice views of my building to enjoy, like this:

First. World. Problems.

I have a presentation to give at a conference in July and so this will help me hurry up with the analysis of psychological flexibility and 3-year weight change in our sample of mid-age New Zealand women.  That, in turn will help me out with the analysis of intuitive eating and mindfulness since I'm just replacing psychological flexibility with those variables and re-running my regression models (omg, do I sound fancy or what?!).

On the bright side - I'VE BOOKED A FLIGHT HOME!!!!  That's right.  I will be stateside in July and I'm so excited.  I'm already planning to eat myself silly for three whole weeks (this completely goes against all that intuitive eating research I've been doing, but holy moly I've missed tasty food since I've been in New Zealand!).  I also plan on driving everywhere.  Even if only to cross the street - I understand the benefits of walking as a my primary mode of transportation, but there are times where a 5 minute car ride would be SO much more enjoyable then the walking alternative.

So, family and friends, if you're in the Boston area July 14-20 or in the Binghamton area around July 20-August 2 then I hope to see you!

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