Sunday, May 05, 2013

Confirmation that I am an Academic Superstar

I am officially a confirmed PhD student at the University of Otago!

For the last year, I've been a provisional PhD student.  At my year review meeting last week, I met with my supervisors and a convenor to discuss my progress.  It was a little nerve wracking waiting to hear whether or not my supervisors would endorse the upgrade in my status.  Fortunately, I got a fair amount of work done since I arrived in February 2012.  I submitted the manuscript on our use incentives with the mailed surveys, collected data on lifestyle, eating habits and well-being from over 1,000 women, and nearly completed the 3-year survey methods chapter of my thesis (just need to finalize the data analysis plan).  

Granted, there was little doubt that I would get confirmed, but it's particularly exciting because my six month review was less than stellar.

I'm thrilled that my supervisors had patience with me during the past year.  It took longer than anticipated for me to get a grip on my personal life, adjust to living in a new country and studying at a university that does things differently than what I'm used to in the U.S., and finish that manuscript from hell.  Those are only minor hiccups in the grand scheme of things, though.  I have a good feeling that the next two years will be really fantastic!

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